Code of Conduct


(1) Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes, tests and examinations. Failure to obtain the required attendance percentage and unjustified absence from tests /examinations will be treated as breaching the code of conduct.

(2) All students must come to school on time. Latecomers may not be allowed to enter the school. It is advisable not to bring the valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, transistors,

(3) radios, tape recorders, cameras, mobile phones or any electronic gadgets and jewellery etc. The school is not responsible for any article lost.

(4) The school reserves the right to terminate any student whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is a bad example for other children.

(5)Photography in school uniform will be accepted for attestation use, in Identity Cards or to be printed in the School Bulletin.

(6) The diary is to be brought to the school by the student every day. Student will be asked to change the diary in case of any form of improper maintenance.


(1) Parents will use courteous and acceptable written and spoken language in all communications with students, staff and other parents and members of the school community. No profane, insulting, harassing, aggressive or otherwise offensive language may be used.

(2) The Parents must attend PARENT – TEACHER meetings to discuss the progress of their children. They must scrutinize them regularly and plan remedial measures. Sending relatives to the Parent- Teacher meeting is forbidden. 

(3) Half days and short leaves are not granted to students.

(4) The Management reserves the right of admission.

(5) According to the student age, Physical Training and Activities will be selected by the school. 

(6) Parents are requested to carry the Parents ID Card while visiting the school for any reason. 

(7) Once the fees is paid. It is not refundable.